Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Visceral Response

I walked into the music store and saw it instantly—I felt like the star of a bad romance movie seeing his true love across a crowded room for the first time. But it was love at first sight, and I did literally let out a gasp. I had never before seen such a beautiful instrument.

There were so many factors that added to its beauty: the round back took my breath away; and the curved lines of the headstock—it reminded me of an elegant swan in motion, gently gliding across a glassy pond. I had no choice; I just had to touch it. The storeowner graciously handed the instrument to me, and I gently took it into my arms. The glossy lacquered finish felt smooth, almost silky, in my hands. Though more than a dozen pieces of carefully shaped wood made up the round back, the lacquered finish left it feeling not just smooth, but almost soft to touch. Likewise, the back of the neck was also smooth as my hand slide across its length. The rich color of the multiple pieces of wood added to the experience, as did the tight, straight grain of the soundboard.

Craftsmen in Bavaria, (German state—the same place BMWs come from), patterned this instrument after the lutes of the Renaissance, but with the fret board of a six string guitar, allowing a guitarist to easily play it.

I did the only thing I could do under the circumstances—I bought it. It now sits in my home. Though the initial emotion has slightly waned, I still take great pleasure in holding it and making music together.

And, yes, I do believe in love at first sight.

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