Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Contrast, Balance, and Harmony

Though this image was obviously taken by an amateur (that would be me) with an obviously inexpensive (cheap) camera (pocket camera costing less than two "benny's"), I think it's a good example of the principles of contrast, balance, and harmony.

The contrast works on several different levels. First is the contrast of the snow covered mountain with the green palm tree in the foreground, (more on this in a moment). Next is the contrast of the sharp palm fronds and the rugged mountain versus the fluffy white clouds and soft blue sky. Personally, I find the contrast of these textures to be stunning.  The contrast between snow capped mountain and palm tree  works not just on a visual level, but also on a cultural and psychological level. Palm trees are associated with deserts and beaches, where people go to be warm and to enjoy the sun. Conversely, snow on the mountains brings thoughts of cold and winter to mind, and could include activities such as skiing and snowmobiling. Enjoyable activities to be sure, but completely different from what we'd expect to do at the beach as we relax under the shade of a palm tree.

The balance works for me as far as the rule of thirds applies to the x axis, though perhaps it would be better balanced along the y axis if there was more lead room between the mountain peak and the top of the picture. The tree on the right third of the image makes this picture asymmetrical, which in this case works well. I also think the tree in the foreground and the mountain as the backdrop provides a good balance.

Regarding harmony, I'm taken by the obvious incongruence between the palm tree and the snow covered mountain. You don't expect to see both in the same picture, yet it is this very lack of harmony that makes the picture so interesting. At least, that's how I see it.

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